Monday, March 19, 2007

Do I Have to Grow Up?

Anyone else wish they didn't have to grow up? Sometimes I find being an adult daunting.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Not Your Typical Afternoon

The following story is best told in person. You are going to read what is only a glimpse into my experience, but there is no way I can do the story justice by typing the words. Next time you see me, please remember to ask me about the strangest 20 minutes of my life.

Me and my assistant left the job site in search of one of my employees who had not shown up to work that day. Why we were going to search for this employee is another story in itself. I soon found myself and my assistant pulling into my employees place of residence which is a motel...which I'm pretty sure rents by the hour if need be. What happened in the 20 minutes after my front tire hit the motel pavement still shocks and amuses me 15 hours later.

Next time you and I are together, please remind me to tell you how I hunted down an employee living at a shady motel, ran over a Chihuahua and argued with a transexual prostitute all in a matter of 20 minutes.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wedding Weekend

This past weekend, one of my best friends from college got married. I was blessed enough to attend the beautiful ceremony and see many of my good friends from our wild and crazy days in college. The bride and groom could not have been happier and the wedding was simply delightful. We all had a great time and it was wonderful catching up!