Friday, October 06, 2006

A New Stage

Everyone will be remembered, and if that's the case, you have to ask do you want your story to go?

How do you want to be remembered? By what you did for a living? By what you accomplished? Or, by how you made people feel?

Everyday is another chance for you to decide who you want to be. A chance to challenge yourself to be a different version of you. A braver version. A person who isn't afraid to grab joy and take it for a spin.

Letting go is never easy because hanging onto the past feels good. But sometimes it's only when you let go that you can make room for the rest of your life to show up.

But as hard as you think it will be to leave the old you behind, sometimes when you do, it's the most alive you've ever felt. Standing at the jumping off point is a weird feeling.

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