Monday, September 15, 2008

For President...or Vice President I Should Say

Ok, I love Sarah Palin! I really really do! For those of you who know me well, you know that politics are not something I love. I hate to talk politics. I normally don't like to listen about politics. During the Presidential race, I check into the candidates, listen to what they have to say, make my decision and go with it. Now, just because I don't enjoy politics doesn't mean I'm not an avid supporter of our country or a huge fan of our right to vote. Believe me, I exercise my right to vote every chance I get! I would just rather spend my time talking about another subject other than politics. Until now that is. Have I mentioned I love Sarah Palin?! Anyway...this past Saturday, Tina Fey from SNL did a skit that I found absolutely hilarious...hilarious I tell you! If you haven't seen it, please see below. It's great!

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