Thursday, June 23, 2005

I've stolen this list from Kim Smith. I love random surveys, and this list allowed me to find out a few random facts about, I decided to fill it out for myself and maybe share a few random facts of my own.
Random FaCtS

( ) ever smoked marijuana
( ) made out with a member of the same sex
( ) crashed a friend's car
( ) stolen a car
( ) been to Japan
( ) played mailbox baseball
( ) ridden in a taxi
( ) been in love
(x) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
( ) been in a fist fight
( ) kicked someone's butt
(x) snuck out of my parent's house
( ) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
( ) ever dated someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back
( ) been arrested
(x) made out with a stranger
( ) stole something from my job
( ) celebrated new years in time square
( x) gone on a blind date
(×) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
( ) been to Europe
(×) skipped school
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
( ) seen someone die
( ) been to Africa
( ) had a crush on one of your myspace friends
(x) slapped someone I loved
(x) Driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/fetish ball
(x) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(×) Been on a plane
(x) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) Thrown up in a bar
( ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been snowboarding
(x) Met someone in person from the internet
( ) Been moshing at a concert
( ) had real feelings for someone you knew only online
( ) been in an abusive relationship
( ) been pregnant or got someone pregnant
( ) lost a child
(×) gone to college
(x) graduated college
( ) tried killing yourself
( ) taken painkillers
(×) love someone or miss someone right now
(x) walked along train tracks like they were a tightrope
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(x) made a snow angel
(x) had a tea party
(×) flown a kite
(×) built a sand castle
(×) gone puddle jumping
(×) played dress up
(×) jumped into a pile of leaves
(x) gone sledding
(x) cheated while playing a game
(×) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work/school
( ) climbed a volcano
( ) used a fake id
(×) gone ice skating
(×) watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
(x) touched a snake
(x) slept beneath the stars
( ) ridden on a camel
( ) climbed a mountain
(×) played ‘clue’
(×) had a sleepover
(×) been tickled
( ) seen a UFO
(×) told a lie
(x) been robbed
(×) been misunderstood
(×) been fishing
(x) snuck into a movie
( ) consulted a psychic
(x) petted a reindeer/goat
(x) won a contest
(×) been to a zoo
(x) seen your dad cry
(×) ran a red light
( ) been suspended from school
(×) been in a car accident
(x) had braces
( ) felt like an outcast
( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) had déjà vu
(x) touched a starfish
(x) danced in the moonlight
(×) hated the way you look
(x) jousted/sword fought/jedi light thingys
( ) witnessed a crime
( ) been spit on by a llama
(x) pole danced
(×) met anyone famous
(×) questioned your heart...
(x) been to the circus
( ) been to jail
(×) laughed during a sad scene in a movie/tv show
(×) played with an etch a sketch
(x) eaten caviar
(x) been obsessed with post-it notes
(x) hated your computer
(x) owned a pet
(x) made a banana-split
(x) squished barefoot through the mud
(×) been lost
( ) had a midnight picnic
(x) been to the opposite side of the country
(×) swam in the ocean
(×) felt like dying
(×) cried yourself to sleep
(×) laughed in the middle of church
(x) stepped on a nail so that it went into your foot
(x) made homemade ice cream
(×) actually enjoyed your classes
(×) used a magic 8 ball
( ) made a flower chain necklace or other type of jewelry
(×) played cops and robbers
(x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils
( ) seen a moose up close
(x) sung karaoke
(x) paid for a meal with only coins
(×) done something you told yourself you would never do
(x) played air guitar
(×) tripped up the stairs
( ) had a crush on a family member
(x) made a mud pie
(×) made prank phone calls
( ) seen a broadway show on broadway
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) danced in the rain
(x) written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) been kissed under a mistletoe
(x) watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(×) blown bubbles
( ) made a bonfire on the beach
(x) crashed a party
(x) gone rollerskating
(x) cut down a christmas tree
(x) had a wish come true
(x) worn pearls
(x) gotten anything from Tiffany’s (the jewelry store)
(×) seen the movie Titanic
( ) jumped off a bridge
( ) ate dog/cat food
(x) gone white water rafting
( ) told a complete stranger you loved them
(x) kissed a mirror
(×) sang in the shower
(x) have a little black dress
(×) had a dream that you married someone
( ) glued your hand to something
( ) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
( ) died your hair a very unnatural color
( ) kissed a fish
(x) worn rose colored glasses..
(×) worn the opposite sexes clothes
( ) been a cheerleader
(×) sat on a roof top
(×) been in a play
(×) screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) tried to do water ballet
( ) done a one-handed cartwheel
(x) done the splits
( ) talked on the phone for more then 6 hours
( ) ate a jalapeño pepper right off the vine
(x) played bingo and won
(×) stayed up all night
( ) didn’t take a shower for a week
(x) picked wild flowers
( ) pick and ate an apple right off the tree
(×) Climbed a tree
( ) had a tree house
( ) picked a leaf off a tree but then felt bad so tried to glue it back on
( ) got caught sneaking out of your house
(x) gotten a ride home from a police officer - ACTUALLY, A RIDE TO THE POLICE STATION FOR MY MOM TO COME PICK ME UP.
(x) had a crush on your friend’s mom/dad
(x) taken a shower for more then an hour -
( ) colored your hair with markers
( ) made out with your pillow
( ) been to Las Vegas
(x) been in a haunted house
(x) are scared to watch scary movies
( ) believe in ghosts
(x) have more then 20 pairs of shoes
( x) worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say
(×) taken a quiz online that lied to you
( ) gone streaking
( ) played ding-dong-ditch
(x) played chicken
(x) pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
( ) been told your beautiful by a complete stranger
(×) had a scavenger hunt
(x) had a party at a hotel
(x) broken a bone
(×) been easily amused
( ) made something out of duct tape
(x) planted a flower
(×) gone to a birthday party and not given the person a present
( ) had more then 3 dates to a dance
(x) caught a fish then ate it
(×) had a bug fly into your mouth
(×) had a bubble bath with the works
(x) gone to a spa
(x) gotten a mist-a-tan
(x) caught a butterfly
( ) had an ant farm
(x) hugged a tree
( ) kissed a tree
(×) played on a slip-and-slide
(x) wrote a ransomed note - GATA pledging anyone?
(×) threw-up at school
( ) had a paper war –
(×) made a paper airplane
(x) stepped on a piece of glass
(×) laughed so hard you cried
(x) cried so hard you laughed
( x) mooned/flashed someone
(×) had someone moon/flash you
(x) cheated on a test
( ) have a Brittney Spears CD
(×) forgotten someone’s name
( ) French braided someone’s hair

If you've made it this deserve a prize. Way to go! Remind me that I owe you a prize!


FeedingYourMind said...

I think your audience now wants to know the name of the friend whose dad you had a crush on! ;) HA!

Anonymous said...

Hey have you ever peed your pants?? ;)

Anonymous said...

Okay, Janaye's post is the funniest thing ever! And I appreciated the ransom note one especially... too bad "been in a car chase" wasn't on the list because you'd definitely have several Xs for that!