Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Monday night, HBO aired the series finale of Sex and the City. It was my second time to see this episode because the series has actually been over for quite awhile. The majority of my favorite episodes are in the sixth season, which ended up being the final season for these four fabulous women in New York. For those of you who were avid watchers of the show or who have seen the DVD's, you know what happens in the final episode. For those of you who haven't seen it, I'm not going to ruin it...but I will say it is a must see if you have any interest in Sex and the City what-so-ever. It will be awhile before TBS aires this one. Anyway...

As I was sitting there watching the last 20 minutes of the show, I was reminded how important friends are. We often take for granted our close relationships and don't appreciate the precious commodity that has been given to us.

Today, I want to say thank you to all of my friends. To my friends who make me laugh, to the few that have seen me cry, to those who know my dreams, and the ones who have seen me fall. To the ones here in Abilene, and to those in Dallas, Ft. Worth, Lubbock, Van and wherever else. To those older and younger than me. You have all touched my life in a very special and unique way. Some of you are family, and others just feel like family. Some I've known since I was a baby and others I've known only a year. For those that I don't see everyday, I miss you very much. And for those that I do see everyday, I count it a blessing. Thank you for being a part of my life.

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