RandomnessThese are just a few thoughts currently running through my tired, overworked, brain. Nothing too intense...nothing too special...and probably nothing too interesting...However, I haven't written in quite awhile so I wanted to let all 3 of you who read this know, I AM STILL ALIVE!
My Thoughts...in no particular order...
I'm a fan of Sarah Palin. Didn't know if I was going to like her when he first announced her name...probably cause I had never heard of her. But, after reading about her, hearing about her, watching her...I've decided I like her! In fact, I like the VP candidates better than the Presidential candidates!
I went to California a few weeks ago and I wish I was still there. I had an amazing time and it was absolutely beautiful. I seriously wish I was there!
Glimpses of fall have begun to show in A-town. The cooler weather and constant rain has been wonderful! I'm a huge fan of fall!
Football has begun! This warrants being said again. FOOTBALL HAS BEGUN! I'm so excited! I'm ranked fairly high on ESPN's Pig Skin Pick 'Em...my group is the Couch Potato FB Crazies. This weekend I have the pleasure to see 2 live football games. Friday night I'm watching my cousins husband coach the Cooper Cougars vs. the Abilene High Eagles. Then, good ole' ACU plays its first home game Saturday night! I am currently praying that it doesn't rain during either game...literally praying to God that the rain stop just for a few hours during His favorite sport!
Christmas is only a few short months away and I can't wait! As soon as Halloween is over, I will be pulling out the Christmas tree, Christmas music...Christmas everything! However, before Christmas comes my 4th favorite holiday...Thanksgiving! Which should be interesting this year...my entire extended family on my moms side will be in Van this year. My ranked list of holidays are:
#1 Christmas
#2 4th of July
#3 My Birthday
#4 Thanksgiving
#5 Easter
#6 Valentines Day
#7 St. Patrick's Day
#8 MLK Day (simply cause I get off work)
#9 Labor Day
#10 Memorial Day
I fell off a stage the other day and sprained my ankle. The fact that I fell off the stage is pretty funny, so go ahead and laugh. If I have the opportunity to show you how I fell off, I feel you'll laugh even harder! Thank goodness no one witnessed this spectacle of "non-coordination!"
I believe that post-it-notes are quite possibly one of the greatest inventions known to office supplies. They're all over my desk...those little gems!
For 2 years now I've gone without a working washing machine. My dryer works, but not the washer. I've visited laundry mats, friends, family...sometimes with the specific intent to do laundry. However, out of the kindness of my dear mother's heart, she offered to have a repair man come fix my washer...therefore, I NOW HAVE A WORKING WASHING MACHINE! Why haven't I had a repair man come fix it? I honestly don't know. It wasn't that expensive. I guess it comes down to laziness. Whatever the case, it's fixed now and I'm doing laundry like mad woman! You know you've crossed over into adulthood when such simple things excite you!
My mother visited me for a couple of days and baked and cooked like crazy! I have so much delicious food in my house, I don't know what to do! Aren't moms wonderful? Dad's are wonderful too...but this past weekend I was especially grateful for my mom! My parent's are receiving ACU's Parents of the Year award next Friday and we're so excited! I'll for sure be posting on that!
I think that my future posts will probably cover the following topics:
My trip to Califorinia
This weekends football games
Parents of the Year
I hope you are doing well! Have a fabulous weekend! I leave you with the following inspirational quotes that I find great.
Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.
Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.
Clever people master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties.
Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them.
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
Optimism: Waiting for a ship to come in when you haven’t sent one out.