Monday, February 02, 2009

New Office, More Work

Well, I've moved into my new office. This past Thursday five movers and 4 IT guys came to move my office to the new Welcome Center on campus. It took all weekend to unpack and get settled in, but I'm finally here. With the exception of one wall, its all decorated and I'm back into the full swing of things. Work doesn't really wait for you to unpack your office! So, next time you're in Abilene or around the campus, stop in and see me! I'm pretty proud of my building (I say "my building" since I'm the building manager) so I'd love to give you a tour! I'll try to post pictures when I can.

Other than work, not a lot is going on in my life. I've seen two movies recently...Rachel Getting Married and New In Town. Rachel Getting Married was horrible. Do not go see it unless you are completely in love with independent films. I can usually handle most indie films...but not this one! New In Town was cute. Just your average feel good, chick flick. I'd recommend it! Plus, Harry Connick,Jr. looks hot!

Several of my all time favorite shows have been on Showtime...shows like Weeds and Secret Diary of a Call Girl. Well, Showtime has hit another homerun in my book! United States of Tara. If you haven't seen it, you need to! It's stinkin' hilarious! I love this show! Of course, if you like good, wholesome shows, then Showtime and United States of Tara are not for you. There is nothing morally redeeming about this show. It's probably pure smut...but I love it! It cracks me up!

Went to a Super Bowl party Sunday night. I thought it was a pretty good game. I really didn't care who won. Commercials as a whole weren't as good as I had hoped. My favorites were probably the Budweiser ones. Or the Cheetos one.

So, I guess this post is pretty boring. Not a lot to report from the life of JE. Fairly anti-climatic, I'm afraid.

I hope you all have a great week! Until next time...


Katey said...

I want to see your new building!! You might have to take pictures though... I don't see myself making it back to Abilene anytime soon. Glad you're in and loving it though!

FeedingYourMind said...

Dude, are you being serious about the Cheetos one?! The one with the ladies each sitting at their own tables and Chester at his own and they are making faces about how dumb the one lady sounds on the phone? That commercial was the only one I texted a friend and said, "Uhh...that was a weird commercial". I thought it was kinda a waste of millions of dollars...HA!

But we can have different taste and still be friends! ;)